October (2011) Be Not Idle In Preparation Of Thy Doom (BNIIPOTD)

FLAC: 16/44,100
MP3: 192 kbps (VBR)
- Apple Lossless (ALAC) and WAV files provided, too!
- 1448 x 1448 pixel album cover included with any song purchase.
About this Album
October is an EP written and recorded all throughout the month of the same name. A musk in the air, pale light through heavy clouds, plenty of wind and gloom have forced me to try and capture what I feel at this time.
Special thanks are due to Revenant of Nocturnal Management /
Nigrum Serpentis, who has graciously been a listener of my
awful din for the last few years, and has provided the artwork
for this release, as well as giving the logo some needed tweaks.