Slow Acting Poison (2009) Be Not Idle In Preparation Of Thy Doom (BNIIPOTD)

FLAC: 16/44,100
MP3: 192 kbps (VBR)
- Apple Lossless (ALAC) and WAV files provided, too!
- 350 x 350 pixel album cover included with any song purchase.
About this Album
Slow Acting Poison was recorded during the doomed months of April-September 2008, completed shortly before the ignorant masses of the world suddenly came to realise that you can't keep spending what you don't fucking have. In a world where people can get rich by spreading lies and betting on the consequences, your stupidity is the seed. Fertilised by the same shit you fail to recognise as your own. Reaping this financial mess, this fruit of the gloom becomes a reminder of what you have sown. Happy now?