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Ingredients the band

Location: portland, Oregon, United States
Earnings To-Date: [private]
Record Label: none
Label Type: none
On Our Playlist: yacht - beach house - danielson - of montreal - frank zappa

Band Members

Jon Timm - Carey Phelps - Ethan Pierce - Bryan Wollen

Described as...

Like a dune bug molting in the sun, Ingredients collects as many spores as possible to create a hardened pollen tomb, where they evolve into highly advanced technicolored orchid bees with many legs to rock specially designed instruments that create sound waves to build and continue the vibrations in the universe.
It can take up to 7 years for these vibrations to reach other galaxies, most of which are unable to perceive the luminous energies from the band. But, perhaps someday, the primitive ecosystems will reach a magical point and receive the gift of ears, and thus be able to listen to Ingredients music at last!

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